Advance POS System with Stock Manager | ASP.NET Core | EF Core | .NET Core 5.0


Advance POS System with Stock Manager | ASP.NET Core | EF Core | .NET Core 5.0

Advance POS System with Stock Manager (APOS) is a multi-functional complete web application developed using ASP.NET Core and EF Core code first technology. This web application enables you to manage all kinds of retail shops and small businesses through proper monitoring and a dynamic reporting system.
APOS is a .NET Core/jQuery-based web application that allows you to manage your sales and inventory from anywhere. It has a built-in Invoice and Inventory System with taxes and discounts. These will be really helpful to apply taxes and discounts automatically and the ability to generate invoices.
Update your stock information, make purchases and view sales data from anywhere whether in the office, at home, in the warehouse, or on the go. All you need to access this is a device with an internet connection.

Live Demo:

UN: [email protected] PW: 123

Advance POS System with Stock Manager | ASP.NET Core | EF Core | .NET Core 5.0 - 1
Advance POS System with Stock Manager | ASP.NET Core | EF Core | .NET Core 5.0 - 2
Advance POS System with Stock Manager | ASP.NET Core | EF Core | .NET Core 5.0 - 3
Advance POS System with Stock Manager | ASP.NET Core | EF Core | .NET Core 5.0 - 4
Advance POS System with Stock Manager | ASP.NET Core | EF Core | .NET Core 5.0 - 5

Core Feature


With Overview & Best Seller Pie Chart, Latest Eight (Invoice Today, Invoice Monthly, Sales Today, Sales Monthly, Customers & Suppliers) items summary.

Invoice Management

Easily track invoice that is in the register and manage additions and removals from the register. Reporting is also available for this to easily track shortages and overages.

Inventory Management

Do whole or partial inventory counts and stay up to date with history and proper reporting.

Item Variations

Create different sizes, categories, or any attributes you define for your items. You can track inventory down to the variation and even have different prices per variation.

Item modifiers

Modify inventory items, and customer invoices easily. Choose add-ons to dishes or how they’re prepared in one click.


Get comprehensive insights into your business with 10+ detailed reports designed for you. Overview & item stock, product quantity and damage item, general profit and/or loss report, sales, purchases, customer, suppliers, and staff user reports.

Currency Exchange

Easily accept any Currency Denomination While making a Sale or Return.

Barcode Label Printing

Easily create barcode labels for your products when they arrive in your store or on-demand.

Payment Type

Credit Card, EBT/EBT Processing, Cash, Check, Gift cards you can define your own custom payment methods.

Serial Numbers

You can now manage items with serial numbers, relation with barcode and optionally you can also assign different prices depending on the serial number.

Custom Receipts

Easily customize your receipts to match what you need for your business. There are 5 different configuration options for making your receipts how you want them.

Inventory history

Gain insights into the flow of your inventory by viewing the adjustment log.

Admin LTE Theme

Use the excellent and responsive theme in a low ambient light environment to reduce eyestrain. It provides a range of responsive, reusable, and commonly used components.


Manager, staff users, billers (selling companies), customers, and suppliers.


Easily manage the app with settings for logo, categories, variants, currencies, custom page access, and identity option.

Much more

User login history, user management, email configuration, nice UI.


Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019, ASP.NET Core 5.0, IdentityCore, Entity Framework Code First, MS SQL SERVER 2017/MySQL, AdminLTE 3.0.5, JavaScript, jQuery data table, bootstrap 4, sweetalert, toastr, Fontawesome etc.

Prerequisite Application

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019, Dot Net Core 5.0, MS SQL SERVER 2017/MySQL, IIS, Chrome/Edge Browser.


Full Source Code and code first project running guideline.

Version 2, Demo Video Preview

Demo Video Preview

App Screenshot

Technical Features

  • ASP.NET Core 5.0
  • EF Core code first
  • Partial page update CRUD operation
  • Razor and jQuery for FE
  • jQuery DataTable for faster data load
  • Sweet Alert2 and Toaster notification
  • select2 dropdown
  • ASP.NET Core MVC Architecture
  • Uses Swagger for API documentation
  • Dependency Injection
  • Standard Naming conventions
  • JWT Token Based Authentication and Claim Based Authorization
  • All Methods are Async/Await
  • CORS Settings

How to Run Project

Step 1:
Unzip the downloaded folder(

Step 2:
Open AdvPOS.sln file with Visual Studio 2019

Step 3:
Update database connection: appsettings.json
“DefaultConnection”: “Server=DEVSTATIONMSSQLSERVER2017;Database=AdvPOSDev;User ID=sa;Password=dev123456”

  • Server=Your MS SQL Server Name
  • User ID= Your MS SQL Server User Name
  • Password= Your MS SQL Server User Password

Step 4:
Build and run by pressing f5



  • No need to create migration rules and update the database. You just need to build and run the application. Already initial migration rule is included with the project. Please make sure the MS SQL server running properly.


If you want to modify or add new features, you can always contact us at,
[email protected]
Cell: +8801674411603

Version 1.0.2

# Return Item Module Added: 
- Single item return 
- Full invoice item returned 
- Return item separate list

Version 1.0.1

- update invoice module: dynamic and interactive 
- item module updated
- barcode module updated
- added sidebar invoice with faster item cart
- added pdf invoice share with email option
- added new report: Product Wise Sale Report
- update dashboard
- bug fixed and optimized

Version 1.0.0

Initial Release


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