Egret – Material Design React Admin Dashboard Template
The most powerful, developer-friendly & highly customizable React admin dashboard.
Egret React is beautifully crafted by following Google’s material design guidelines with Light & Dark
Egret React admin template powered with Material UI as UI library
and Redux as state management
If you are looking for a highly customizable, developer-friendly & feature-rich material design admin template,
look no further then Egret React. We applied the industry-standard approach to build easy to use & scalable dashboard template.
Egret react is packed with tons of features, UI components,
Ready to use Apps, example pages. Egret components are loadable(lazy loaded),
that mean component will load on demand.
Routing & Role based Authentication
We implemented routing using react-router-dom.
We also implemented role-based authentication,
Multiple Layouts
- Vertical Navigation
- Horizontal Navigation
- Online Education
- Analytics
- Sales
- Event calendar
- Chat
- Inbox
- Invoice builder
- To-do list
- CRUD list
- Infinite Scroll list
Other features
- Forms
- Form validation
- Rich text editor
- Upload
- Wizard
- Charts
- Echart
- Rechart
- React Vis
- Victory Chart
- 50+ React UI kits
- Google maps
- Egret List/Grid
- Drag & Drop
- User profile
- Plans & Pricings
- Many more …
Major dependencies
- React
- Material UI
- React Redux
- Redux Thunk
- React Router Dom
- React Router Config