Smart Identity .net mvc core 2.1 authentication and authorization
Smart Identity is base identity application, Role and Users based authentication and authorization application, having a multiple features smart crud’s ,grid, model and charts which speed up
development performance. Just copy and paste code and re-use to code.
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Smart Identity
—Adminlte 2.4.5
—Will cross platform runs on windows ,linux ,mac.
— core 2.1 code first repository ,services pattern n-layers.
—Back end database mysql.
—Secure hash password
—Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication and Claims based
—Model Layer,Data layer,Base Repository layer,services layer, web project layer.
—Password encrypt
—Dashboard ui charts and count widgets
—New html helper jquery datatable or jquery form submitter ajax based.
—Unlimited roles users and menus
—Role and permissions
—General setting KEY and VALUE for smtp or other
—App setting of all theme
—Jquery datatable advanced column wise search option
—Datatable export in excel,csv,pdf,copy,print with column visibility
—Jquery datatable search from last top 500,1000,5000,10,000 and all option better performance
—Jquery datatable pagination hit only page size records like if 10 than only top 10 record will be come.
—Jquery datatable actions Edit,Delete and copy row also.
—Application setting theme change layouts(fixed,Toggle Sidebar,Boxed Layout) version,app name etc,
Programming Feature
Onion Architecture
SOLID and Dry Principle
Pascal and camel case
Generic Repository
If You want to use Sql Server
-just remove migrations from SmartIdentity.Data
-in startup.cs un comment line No 39l UseSqlServer line and comment line No 36, UseMySql
-in DesignTimeDbContextFactory.cs un comment builder.UseSqlServer and comment builder.UseMySql
-change sql connection string
-than re-run add-migration migrationname
-than update-database
Note: if you got error while update-database ,don’t worry just set SmartIdentity.Web as startup project and rebuild and try to run migrations.
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