A professional React Admin Dashboard comes with lots of UI kits, Pages, Utilities
with one goal in mind. Gull helps you build faster & beautiful applications. It can be used for building all kind of Cross-platform Application
and Web application backends like custom admin panel, admin dashboard,
accounting software, project management, chat application, eCommerce backends,
CMS, CRM, ERP or SAAS. Gull provides you all the UI to input and
visualize/output large and small datasets.
Main Features:
Full SASS support: Gull implements bootstrap 4 sass. Styles
and custom schemes are written in sass.
Prebuilt apps:
- Invoice Builder
- Chat
- Inbox
- Calendar
- Task Manager
Customizable SASS color schemes: Customize or create your
own color scheme by changing the sass color variable’s value or creating
new color scheme file.
Data Table: Data table displays a set of data in clean table
format with front-end paging options. User can search and sort data.
Form Layouts and elements: Horizontal & vertical form layouts
with all necessary form inputs and elements.
- eChart
- Apex Chart
- Victory chart
- React Vis
- ReChart
Other Features:
Minimal, Intuitive and Fully Responsive Design(compatible with major
browsers, tablets and phones) - Bootstrap 4 framework
- 4 Dashboard versions
- Datatables
- Full screen search
- 2000+ premium iconsmind icons included
- Login Page
- SignUp page
- Forgot password page
- Not found page
- Forms
- Image Cropper
- Toastr Alerts
- Sweetalerts
- User Tour
- 30+ Card widgets
- Quill rich text editor
- Custom loader and spinners
- Custom loading buttons
- Ladda loading buttons
- Image Cropper
- Form Wizard
- Tag Input
- Autocomplete Input
- Custom switch, radio, checkboxes
- Modal dialog, Confirm dialog
- Clean & Commented Code
- Online documentation